‘Dia Mahu Tendang Kandungan Sehingga Saya Gugur’ – Niena Baharun Kena Ugut Kerana ‘Husna’

sumber: ohbulan!

Home Based Business Opportunity - Review Article Number 1
Whether you're looking to create a full-time income or simply supplement your existing income, there is a home based business opportunity for almost anyone. In this first of a multi-series of articles, I'm going to give you brief reviews on the many options available to you, as well as the cost to get involved.

WorkOUT-USA: There is an ever-increasing trend among people globally to eat healthy and stay fit. As you are no doubt aware, traditional advertising methodologies are no longer financially feasible. However, the explosion of the Internet has created not only a broader base of potential customers; it is also more affordable and enables businesses to advertise to specific targeted markets. These two trends - health and the Internet - are what make the business opportunity at WorkOUT-USA a solid one.

Cost to get involved: $199

America's Tax Office: If you're thinking about starting a tax preparation business, America's Tax Office is a reasonably affordable way to do so. Their contractual arrangements with their business owners do not contain a non-compete clause, and your level of experience, education, background, or credit history are not important factors. They are simply looking for individuals who are hard workers and have the desire to start a tax business, either in a retail location or from home.

Cost to get involved: $1,000-$5,000

Pinnacle Protection - This company is a provider of monitored security and monitored systems for both small businesses and homes. Technological advances with monitored security and systems have created enormous growth opportunity in this industry, and this company is looking for self-starters to become distributors in their ever-increasing network.

Cost to get involved: $5,000-$20,000

MyCityApp.com - Did you realize there are well over four billion mobile phones in the world today? In addition, many people are using these mobile phones to access information when they would have heretofore used the computer. In fact, well over 50% of all local searches are conducted via smart phones. MyCityApp.com enables you to run a mobile app right you're your hometown.

Cost to get involved: $159 to start, plus a $29 per month recurring fee.

The important thing in looking at any home based business opportunity is to do your homework. Four of the most important factors to consider are:

1. Is this a legitimate business?

2. Is this something I would enjoy doing?

3. Is the cost to get involved at a level I can afford?

4. What are the "long-term" prospects of being able to create my financial goals?

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